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Biopolym. Cell. 1994; 10(6):92-97.
The study of the components of the rat liver chromatin fractions by fluorescent probing methods
1Gubskiy Yu. I., 1Primak R. G., 1Goryushko A. G., 1Levitsky E. L.
  1. Gromashevsky L.V. Institute of Epidemiology and Infection Diseases, AMS of Ukraine
    5, Amosova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03038


Using fluorescent probing of transcriptionally active and repressed rat liver chromatin fractions different extent of fluorescent probes bounding with fractions was determined. Augmented bounding of fluorescamin (specific to histones) with repressed chromatin and ethidium bromide to transctiptionally active one permit to suppose the important role of DNA-histones contacts in determination of the activity in transcription of nuclear chromatin fractions in eukaryotic cells. Besides that it was shown more accessibility of fluorescent probe to nonhistone proteins in transcriptionally active chromatin fraction. In view of that RNA polymerases are nonhistone proteins, it may be consider the importance of structural organization and quantitaty of these enzymes molecules for the genome activation mechanisms.


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