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Biopolym. Cell. 1993; 9(6):78-85.
Genome and Its Regulation
Mutagenic effect of oligonucleotides on maize plants
1Tkachuk Z. Yu., 1Yakovenko T. G., 1Kalenchuk A. N., 1Muzychenko B. S.
  1. Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine
    150, Akademika Zabolotnoho Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680


Oligonucleotides effect on maize was studied. Dry seeds were soaked with the oligonucleotides preparations solutions. The growth and development of plants in M2–M7 was investfgated both in the green-house and in field. Oligonucleotides preparations were shown to provoke hereditary changes in maize. Sproutings colouring mutations appeared in 4,73 % of all cases, other mutations appeared in 23,3 %; 17,7 %; 8,% and 9,8 % of cases depending on the preparation and the maize line. Biochemical analysis of the original lines grain received was performed to establish the raw protein content. Lines with increased protein content in grain were selected. The analysis of the data received witness in favour of the oligonucleotides preparations application to receive new maize biotypes.


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