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Biopolym. Cell. 1993; 9(5):78-82.
Cell Biology
Nuclease activity in germinating tomato pollen and its inhibition
1Chesnokov Yu. V., 1Paschenko V. M., 1Burilrov V. K.
  1. Institute of Genetics, Academy of Science of Moldova
    20, Padurii Str., Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, MD-2002


A possibility of injection of exogenous genetical material in embryo sack of higher plants by means of germinating pollen has been studied in tomatoes. Simultaneously degradation dynamics of exogenous DNA underaction of germinating pol len grains nucleases has been discovered. Practically a direct relationship has been established between pollen quantity added to a solution for germination (with adequate nuclease quanity) and time of exogenous DNA degradation. Inhibition of nuclease activity in germinating pollen by means of dye-intercalator utilization of ethidiumbromid type.


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