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Biopolym. Cell. 1993; 9(4):32-39.
Structure and Function of Biopolymers
Molecular mechanisms of liver chromatin damage by chlorophose in conditions of verapamil and atropin introduction
1Gubsky Yu. I., 1Levitsky E. L., 1Primak R. G., 1Goriushko A. G., 1Lenchevskaya L. K., 1Vistunova I. E., 1Sachenko L. G.
  1. Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology of National Medical Academy of Science of Ukraine
    14, Eugene Pottier Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03057


Short time exposition of rats (2 h) with chloropliosc result in change of structural and functional characteristics of transcriptionally active and repressed liver chromatin fractions. Chromatin damages discovered in its DNA and lipid components. It has been shown DNA compaclization in active chromatin fraction and relaxation in repressed one. Lipid component of chromatin was changed analogically during inloxitation. As well chlorophose intoxication result in modification of intensity of induced by NADPH and ascorbate chromatin lipid peroxidation. Profilaclive introduction of verapamii and atropin has a paiticl corrective influence on structural and functional properties of intoxicated liver chromatin. Atropin has more expressed effect in this case. It has been shown direct interaction of verapamii to repressed chiomatin fraction.


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