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Biopolym. Cell. 1993; 9(3):27-34.
Structure and Function of Biopolymers
Influence of vitamin E on structural and functional liver chromatin organization during tetrachloromethane damage
1Gubsky Yu. I., 1Levitsky E. L., 1Primak R. G., 1Goriushko A. G., 1Lenchevskaya L. K., 1Matushrin V. A., 1Vistunova I. E., 1Sachenko L. G.
  1. Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology of National Medical Academy of Science of Ukraine
    14, Eugene Pottier Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03057


Partial corrective influence of vitamin E introduction on structural and functional liver nuclear chromatin organization which was damaged during tetra-chloromethane intoxication was shown. This one is depended on α-tocopherol antioxidant effects that displais as normalization of spontaneous and inducted lipid peroxidation reactions in active and repressed chromatin fractions. Introduction of vitamin E leads also to partial normalization of endogenous DNA polymerase β and RNA polymerases as well as stimulation of replicative DNA polymerase a activity in active chromatin fraction. In vitro interaction process of α-tocopherol with chromatin fractions has written. Tetrachloromethane intoxication has little influence on repressed chromatin ability to form complexes with vitamine E, but increases its binding to active chromatin fraction. Differences between in vitro chemical interaction of active and repressed chromatin fractions with α-tocopherol were revealed. These ones indicate to various localization of vitamin E in chromatin. Interaction of vitamin E with chromatin leads to partial repair of its structure damaged during intoxication. This effect of vitamin E together with its antioxidant action is one of the possible mechanism of α-tocopherol genoprotective influence.


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