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Biopolym. Cell. 1992; 8(2):49-52.
Cell Biology
Optimization of the system for genetic-embryological studies of inbred mice strains. 1. Comparison of in vitro fertilization ability of inbred strain mice BALB/cLac, C57BL/6j and ICR
1Stolina M. R., 1Morozova L. M., 1Solomko A. P.
  1. Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine
    150, Akademika Zabolotnoho Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680


We present data on optimization of the biological system, which is connected with natural reproductive function of animals. The fertility and productivity of BALB/cLac, C57BL/6J and ICR females were studied as a function of seson factor. C57BL and ICR females, which differ in their coat color, have stable and high fertility and productivity. C57BL mice may be propose as gamete and zygote donors in experiments, connected with in vitro fertilization and embryo incubation. ICR females may be used as recipients for embryo transplantations.


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