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Biopolym. Cell. 1992; 8(2):44-49.
Cell Biology
Immunochemical identification of apoprotein A-I in the chromatin of rat hepatocyte nuclei
1Panin L. E., 1Polyakov L. M., 1Usynin I. Ph., 1Kuzmenko A. P., 1Poteryaeva O. N.
  1. Institute of Biochemistry Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
    Str. Timakov 2, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, 630117


Two proteins of 28000 and 14000 immunologically identifical to apoprotein A-I were found in the chromatin of rat hepatocyte nuclei of using immunoblotting and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The 28 000 protein was present in the trans-criptionally active chromatin and in the nuclear matrix. The 14000 protein was present in the repressed chromatin. The molecular weights of these protein determinated by SDS-PAGE, and immunochemical identity allow us to propose, that one of this proteins is apoprotein A-I, and the other one is probably a product of limited proteolysis of apoprotein A-I.


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