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Biopolym. Cell. 1991; 7(6):77-82.
Structure and Function of Biopolymers
Interaction of nucleic acid bases molecules with low-energy electrons
1Sukhovija M. I., 1Slavik V. N., 1Shafranyosh I. I., 1Shimon L. L.
  1. Uzhhorod National University
    54, Voloshyna Str., Uzhhorod, Ukraine, 88000


Electron impact excitation, ionization and dissociation of gas-phase cytosine molecules were studied by optical and mass-spectrometric methods in the energy range of 0 to 300 eV. The luminescence spectra of cytosine and its dissociative excitation products were obtained within the region of 200 to 600 nm. Excitation functions for molecules in question were measured. Possible biophysical and radiobiological applications of the obtained results are discussed.


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