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Biopolym. Cell. 1991; 7(6):32-47.
Structure and Function of Biopolymers
Vibrational spectra of phytoviruses and their molecular components
1Litvinov G. S.
  1. Intersectoral Research and Engineering Center for Physics of the living and the microwave resonance therapy "Vidguk"
    61-b, Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 252017


IR absorption spectra of proteins, ribonucleic acids and virions of spiral (tobacco mosaic virus) and spheric (carnation mottle virus) types were investigated. Such spectral parameters as total number of bands, their frequency grouping, intensity, half width and frequency characteristics of Amide A, Amide B, Amide 1, Amide 2, Phosphate 1, Phosphate 2 etc. are close enough both for the whole viral nucleoproteins and for their biochemical components. Together with this, convincing differences are observed. Thus, it is possible to differentiate virions- and their constituent biopolymers after their IR spectra. Changes in parameters of the investigated spectra with humidity were found, as well as the stability with temperature decrease to 80 K.


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