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Biopolym. Cell. 1991; 7(5):23-27.
Structure and Function of Biopolymers
Infrared absorption spectrum peculiarities of RNA-containing phytoviruses of spiral and cubic symmetry types
1Litvinov G. S.
  1. Intersectoral Research and Engineering Center for Physics of the living and the microwave resonance therapy "Vidguk"
    61-b, Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 252017


The comparative investigation of infrared absorption spectra of spiral tobacco mosaic virus and isosahedral carnation mottle virus was carried out in spectral range 400–4000 cm–1. Viral spectra were represented by more than seventy bands with considerable half-width (10–400 cm–1) and complicated fine structure. The infrared absorption spectrum parameters correlate with macromolecule and nucleoproteid complex biochemical structure peculiarities. In the same time because of existing spectral characteristics peculiarities it is possible to differentiate assumed viruses after their infrared absorption spectra. In particular noticeable differences in band intensity, half-width and frequency position corresponding to virion proteins and ribonucleic acids are found.


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