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Biopolym. Cell. 1991; 7(4):34-39.
Cell Biology
Analysis of mitotic segregation of plasmagenes in nicotiana somatic hybrids obtained by cloning of heteroplasmic fusion products
1Kolesnik N. N., 1Komarnitsky I. K., 1Shlumukov L. R., 1Samoylov A. S.
  1. Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR
    Kiev, USSR


Genetic constitution of cytoplasmon in segregants for plastome chlorophyll deficiency gene obtained by mitotic segregation from heteroplasmic fusion products (cytoplasmic heterozygotes) of Nicotiana was studied. Plants from cells heterozygous for plasmagenes were obtained by fusion of callus protoplasts from plastome chlorophylldeficient mutant of tobacco with mesophyll protoplasts from either one of four cms-analogs of tobacco bearing repanda, undulata, suaveolens, and plumbaginifolia cytoplasms. In the study characters coded for by plasmagenes were analysed. The results of our investigation demonstrated that higher plant cell contains at least two cosegregation groups of plasmagenes: segregation group of plastome with corresponding type of chloroplast DNA segregate plastome chlorophyll deficiency, polypeptide composition of large subunit of ribulosebisphosphatecarboxylase / oxygenase (RUBISCO), tentoxine resistance and segregation group of chondriomesets of species-specific restriction fragments of mitochondria! DNA segregate with the traits of cytoplasmic male sterility / fertility and corresponding changes of flower morphology.


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