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Biopolym. Cell. 1991; 7(3):98-102.
Cell Biology
Intercellular aggregation of thymocytes and bacterial cells Escherichia coli
1Timoshenko A. V., 1Gerasimova L. K., 1Kolupaeva L. I., 1Cherenkevich S. N.
  1. Lenin Byelorussian State University
    Minsk, USSR


It has been determined by means the light transmission technique that bacterial cells E. coli induce the aggregation of rat thymocytes. The process of intercellular aggregation is blockaded by D-mannose. The aggregation activity of bacterial cells is decreased after their inactivation by UV-irradiation or high temperature (80 °C). The mechanisms and the application possibilities of the intercellular aggregation are discussed.


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