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Biopolym. Cell. 1991; 7(3):77-82.
Structure and Function of Biopolymers
Millimeter wave radiation effect upon β-alanine single crystal vibrational spectrum
1Litvinov G. S., 1Berezhinsky L. I., 1Dovbeshko G. I., 1Lisitza M. P.
  1. Provisional Research Collective "Otklik"
    Kiev, USSR
  2. Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR
    Kyiv, USSR


Experiments on millimeter wave radiation influence upon the vibrational spectra parameters of β-alanine single crystal are presented in the work. Millimeter wave irradiation frequency was tuned in the range 37,5–53,5 GHz. The band structure together with the strong intensity redistribution were found. Resonance character of millimeter wave effect on the β-alanine vibrational spectra is detected. The probable mechanisms of this effect is discussed.


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