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Biopolym. Cell. 1991; 7(3):65-73.
Structure and Function of Biopolymers
Property of a system of a interaction biopolymers by a change of the temperature and humidity
1Novoshinskiy H. H., 1Kuzmin E. V., 1Kuzmina R. I.
  1. Krasnoyarsk State University
    Krasnoyarsk, USSR


Unlike membrans which limit the size of a cell, the problems on the principle of inside structure organization of a cell under unfavourable conditions of the environment, in particulary during the change of cell or organism in the state of a xero- or kryoanabios have not examined yet. An attempt to determine the role of biopolimers on organizing of nature structure cells and their protective function while changing the temperature and the humidity is being done from the point of view of statistical physics. It is shown that proteins are able to form the structure skeleton of a cell and to keep inside reserves for coming back to a vital state when it is placed in physiological conditions.


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