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Biopolym. Cell. 1991; 7(2):86-91.
Disequilibrium linkage between polymorphism of the restriction fragments length in human chromosome 7 with mutations in mucoviscidosis gene in the Ukrainian population
1Livshits L. A., 1Kravchenko S. A., 1Grishko V. I., 1Buzhievskaya T. I., 1Baranov V. S.
  1. Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine
    150, Akademika Zabolotnoho Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680


DNA analysis of deletion delta F508 was performed in 37 Ukrainian cystic fibrosis families with 1 : 25 rise of cystic fibrosis and 100 healthy donors used PCR technology. A delation of three base pairs was detected in 65 percent of chromosomes carrying cystic fibrosis mutation. The linkage analysis between three polymorphic markers (KM-19, CS.7, D7S8) and cystic fibrosis mutations was performed. The linkage disequilibrium was found between RFLP-gaplotypes of chromosome 7 (KM-19/PstI and CS7/Hin61) and CF-deletion delta F508. weaker but significant disequlibrium was found between KM-19/PstI and CS.7/Hin61 and unknown one. The linkage between these markes and CF-mutations for the Ukrainian population permit to perform accurate pre- and postnatal diagnosis cystic fibrosis in most families with affected persons and also allows carriers detection in population.


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