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Biopolym. Cell. 1991; 7(1):38-39.
Computer search for promoter-like sequences for RNA-polymerase II and potential peptides among Alu-repeats
1Malchenko S. Z.
  1. Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR
    Kiev, USSR


CAAC and TATA boxes typical on many eukaryotic RNA-polymerase II promoters are observed in the first monomer of Alu-repeats. The computer analysis has shown that these boxes are homological to corespondent functional sites. Open reading frames coding short peptides are found in the second monomer of Alu-repeats. Two major types of peptides are distinguished among these potential peptides. They contain up to 75 % of all the peptides and are called EAE and GG-peptides, respectively.


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