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Biopolym. Cell. 1990; 6(2):24-31.
Transgenic rats expressing human growth hormone gene as a model of some types of diabetes
1Ignatieva T. V., 1Golinsky G. F.
  1. Institute of Experimental Medicine, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR
    Leningrad, USSR


The human growth hormone gene with promoter of rat tyrosine aminotranspherase or promoter of mouse metallothioneine 1 was used for producing transgenic rats. The method was developed to introduce these genes into the rat genome. The expression of the human growth hormone genes was observed in transgenic rats. The level of the human growth hormone in blood was much higher/about 80 ng/ml/ than in the control rats. One group of transgenic rats grew quicker and the other — slower as compared to the control. The tolerance to glucose decreased in the transgenic rats and the pancreatic islets experienced some degenerative changes. The transgenic rats with the human growth hormone gene can be used as a biological model of diabetes.


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