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Biopolym. Cell. 1990; 6(1):103-106.
Short Communications
Rauwolfia genome rearrenqements during culturing in vitro
1Solovjan V. T., 1Zakhlenjuk O. V., 1Kunakh V. A.
  1. Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR
    Kiev, USSR


Intact Rauwolfia plant and cultivated cell genomes have been comparatively studied. The dot hybridization analysis has shown that there are significant genome rearrangements for R. serpentina callus cultivated for a long time rather than for R. serpentina and R. verticillata calluses cultured for a short time. Restriction analysis has revealed the genome rearrangements both in the primary calluses of R. serpentina and R. verticillata and in the long subcultured R. serpentina cells. It is concluded that genome rearrangements can occur at the early stages of cultivation, but the process of subsequent subculturing in vitro leads to more significant changes in genome.


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