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Biopolym. Cell. 1990; 6(1):91-95.
Genome and Its Regulation
Accumulation of strand breaks in DNA fraction containing transcribed sequences in quiescent and starving cells
1Sjakste N. I., 1Budylin A. V.
  1. Research Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, Ministry of Public Health, Latvian SSR
    Riga, USSR


Cellular DNA was separated in fractions containing transcribed sequences (DNAI), untranscribed sequences (DNAII) and "potentially active" sequences (DNAIII) by means of phenol-salt extraction and was subjected to electrophoresis under neutral conditions. Total DNA of quiescent P388 and 4/21 cells contained the great number of short fragments absent in DNA of proliferating cells. After fractionation the short fragments were revealed in DNAI. DNA strand breaks concentrated in DNAI fraction accumulate also, in the starving (incubated in ascitic liquid) Ehrlich ascite cells.


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