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Biopolym. Cell. 1989; 5(6):73-77.
Structure and Function of Biopolymers
Change in the protein composition of nuclear matrix induced by lipase treatment
1Blokhin D. Yu., 1Struchkov V. A.
  1. All-Union Cancer Research Centre, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR
    Moscow, USSR


The protein composition of residual nuclei and nuclear matrix preparations isolated from trnurine leukemia P388 cells, spermia and erythrocytes of Misgurnus fossilis L., has been studied by SOS-PAGE. Additional treatment of samples at the stage of nuclease digestion by lipase is shown to cause considerable changes in the protein spectrum of both residual nuclei preparations and nuclear matrices isolated from them. No changes are observed in the protein composition of the preparations when lipase is substituted for phospholipase C.


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