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Biopolym. Cell. 1989; 5(4):76-83.
Cell Biology
Mobile microorganisms as sensors of the high-frequency electromagnetic and biological fields
1, 2Karachentseva A. I., 1, 2Levchuk Yu. N.
  1. A. V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR
    Kiev, USSR
  2. Provisional Research Collective "Otklik"
    Kiev, USSR


The ability to receive electromagnetic microwaves has been revealed in prokaryotic (Escherichia coli) and eukaryotic (Dunaliella viridis) cells, mm-range generator and the skin of man's hand are used as the sources of microwaves. Reception of mm-field by cells results in their collective directed motion: negative radiotaxis. Special experiments have showed that radioreception is not connected with thermal influence of microwaves.


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