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Biopolym. Cell. 1989; 5(2):58-61.
Studies in possibility of expression of exogenic human insulin gene in cultured mammalian fibroblasts
1Neborachko L. N., 1Lukash L. L., 1Troyanovsky B. M., 1Varzanova I. S., 1Buzhievskaya T. I., 1Kordium V. A.
  1. Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR
    Kiev, USSR


Expression of human insulin genomic gene is observed in human and murine fibroblasts. Protein-product (proinsulin or insulin) detected by ELISA is secreted by fibroblasts. The protein-product secreted level achieves its peak on 9th-10th days and may be expressed in 125-160 ng/ml of culture medium. The similar dependence of proinsulin / insulin secretion by human and murine fibroblasts is determined.


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