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Biopolym. Cell. 1988; 4(3):115-119.
Structure and Function of Biopolymers
Thermodynamics of the B-Z transition of poly[d(G-C)] in water/ethanol solution. The «tie» calorimetry
2Karapetyan A. T., 1Minyat E. E., 2Vardevanyan P. O., 1Ivanov V. I.
  1. Institute of Molecular Biology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR
    Moscow, USSR
  2. Kirovokan State Pedagogical Institute
    Kirovokan, USSR


Poly[d(G–C)] in 55 % ethanol solution shifts from the Z form to the B form with the temperature rise from 20 to 50 °C. Enthalpy of the B-Z transition, ΔHBZ, has been determined with a «tie», a polyamine, which stabilized the Z conformation: ΔHBZ = –1.4 kcal/mol. This value was shown to be practically independent from the ionic strength in the range of 5·10–4–2·10–3 M NaCl.


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