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Biopolym. Cell. 2020; 36(1):14-22.
Genomics, Transcriptomics and Proteomics
Extreme diversity of SINE families in amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri
1Kosushkin S. A., 1Vassetzky N. S.
  1. Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences
    32, Vavilova Str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 119991


Short INterspersed Elements (SINEs) are an important component of the genome in higher eukaryotes. Commonly, their genomes have one or several SINE families. Aim. Identification and analysis of SINEs in the oriental lancelet Branchistoma belcheri was the goal of this study. Methods. Original and conventional bioinformatics methods were used. Results. Eighteen B. belcheri SINE families have been found and analyzed. Conclusions. Our analysis of the genome of B. belcheri has demonstrated an extreme variation of SINEs. The multitude of retrotransposons in lancelets is discussed in the context of chordate genomes.
Keywords: Short INterspersed Elements, Branchistoma belcheri, retrotransposons


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