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Biopolym. Cell. 2019; 35(6):486-494.
Viruses and Cell
Molecular characteristics of the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus strains isolated in different regions of Ukraine
1Masiuk D. N., 1Hlebeniuk V. V., 1Kokariev A. V., 1Vasylenko T. A.
  1. Dnipro State Agrarianand Economic University
    25, Sergei Efremov Str., Dnipro, Ukraine, 49600


Aim. Research on the molecular characteristics of the PEDV strains isolated in different regions of Ukraine. Methods. PEDV was detected and differentiated in biological material by PCR using the EZ-RED / TGE / PDCoV MPX 1.0 Realtime RT-PCR test system from Tetracore (USA). For comparative genotyping of the PEDV strains using PCR, the complete S gene was sequenced. Results. The diagnosis of PED was confirmed in the pig farms under investigation. As a result of sequencing, it was found that the PED strains isolated in different regions of Ukraine have a high identity (99 %) with the strains from North America 2013-2014 and China 2011-2012 and a lower similarity (90 %) with the strains circulating in Europe until 1995. The strain PEDV_Cherkasy_UA_17 was clustered into group 2 (cognate to the Chinese strain BJ-2011-1) in the North American clade II of the PEDV. It was shown that the Ukrainian PEDV strain was phylogenetically clustered together with the highly virulent North American PEDV strains, but differed from the strains circulating in European countries. Conclusions. The PEDV strains isolated in various regions of Ukraine have a high (>99.5 %) degree of homology and are phylogenetically clustered with the highly virulent North American PEDV strains.
Keywords: diagnostics, PCR, S gene, phylogenetic analysis, virulence


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