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Biopolym. Cell. 2018; 34(1):24-31.
Molecular and Cell Biotechnologies
Characterization of vaccine and field IBDV strains in Ukraine for proper vaccine selection for disease prevention
1Pastyria A. S., 1Budzanivska I. G., 1Polischuk V. P.
  1. Educational and Scientific Center "Institute of Biology and Medicine",
    Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
    64/13, Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601


Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) causes a highly contagious disease in young chickens and is distributed worldwide. Primary viral antigen is VP2. The VP2 gene contains hypervariable re-gion (VP2 HRV). Mutations in this region lead to emergence of antigenically different IBDV strains. For IBDV prevention, vaccination is used. The efficacy of vaccination depends on the ge-netic closeness of field and vaccine strains. Aim of the study was to analyze nucleotide sequence of different vaccine and field strains of IBDV circulating in Ukrainian poultry farms. Methods. In this study 11 vaccine strains and 16 field isolates were used. RNA was extracted using a magnetic separation method, reverse transcription was carried out and PCR was performed using specific primers to the VP2 gene. Obtained amplicons were used for sequencing. Phylogenetic and amino acid analysis was performed with MEGA 6 software. Results. 11 vaccine strains formed 5 phy-logenetic clusters. Cluster I represented strains GM97, 228E and MB/20. Cluster II contained mild vaccine strains LC-75 and D78. Intermediate strains Winterfield-2512 and Lukert formed cluster III. ‘Hot’ vaccine strains MB and MB/3 formed cluster IV. Cluster V was represented by strains MB/5 and V877. After addition of 16 Ukrainian field strains the tree structure remained the same. 8 isolates clustered together with ‘hot’, 5 – with intermediate, and 3 – with mild vaccine strains. Amino acid analyses confirmed antigenic closeness among vaccine and field strains of the same cluster. Conclusion. The obtained data can be used for the vaccine selection for IBD pre-vention in each particular poultry farm of Ukraine.
Keywords: IBDV, field strains, vaccine strains, vvIBDV, phylogenetic analysis.


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