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Biopolym. Cell. 2017; 33(6):442-452.
Creation of gene expression database on preeclampsia-affected human placenta
1Lykhenko O., 1Frolova A. O., 1Obolenskaya M. Yu.
  1. Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine
    150, Akademika Zabolotnoho Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680


Publication of gene expression raw data in public repositories made it possible to reuse these data for cross-experiment integrative analysis and make new insights into biological phenomena. However, data uploaded by independent contributors are not standardized, sometimes incomplete and need preprocessing before any further analysis. Aim. To create a specialized database of gene expression profiles, particularly in preeclampsia-affected human placenta as a cause of high rate of morbidity and mortality all over the world with un-known etiology and pathogenesis. Methods. All experiment and sample metadata were automati-cally extracted from ArrayExpress database via Bioservices. NCBI database was used to supple-ment the missing data along with the corresponding scientific articles and authors personal data. The experimental sample attributes were standardized according to MeSH term dictionary and Experimental Factor Ontology. Results. A database of more than 1000 samples of normal and preeclampsia-affected human placenta was created and supplied with metadata containing infor-mation on biological specimen, diagnosis, gestational age, mode of delivery and other sample characteristics. Conclusion. The samples in our newly created database now contain metadata for them to be comparable. The biological samples may be arranged in different case-control groups of larger size than in individual datasets for statistically significant analysis.
Keywords: genetic databases, placenta, preeclampsia, oligonucleotide array, sequence analysis, microarray data


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