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Biopolym. Cell. 2015; 31(2):146-153.
Bioorganic Chemistry
Effects of oxyethylated glycerol cryoprotectants on phase transitions of DPPC model membranes
1Kasian N. A., 1Krasnikova A. O., 1Vashchenko O. V., 1Lisetski L. N., 2Zinchenko A. V., 2Kompaniets A. M., 3Ratushna M. V.
  1. Institute for Scintillation Materials, NAS of Ukraine
    60, Lenin Ave., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61001
  2. Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine, NAS of Ukraine
    23, Pereyaslavskaya Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61015
  3. Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology, NAMS of Ukraine
    46, Akademika Pavlova Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61068


Aim. To determine the effect of the oxyethylated glycerol cryoprotectants (OEGn) with polymerization degrees n = 5, 25, 30 on the phase states and phase transitions of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC)-based model membranes. Methods. Differential scanning calorimetry. Results. Model lipid membranes on water/OEGn and water/glycerol subphases with varying cryoprotectant concentrations from 0 to ~ 100 % w/w were studied. A significant raise in the pre-transition and main phase transition temperatures with increasing OEGn concentration was noted whereas the membrane melting peak persist to 100 % w/w OEGn. A sharp increase in the melting enthalpy was observed for OEGn = 5. Conclusions. The solvating ability of the subphase in DPPC membranes decreases in the order water > glycerol > OEGn = 5 > OEGn = 25 > OEGn = 30, which correlates with the relative number of groups effectively contributing to the solvation process.
Keywords: model lipid membranes, oxyethylated glycerol cryoprotectants, phase transitions, solvation


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