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Biopolym. Cell. 2013; 29(1):64-69.
Molecular Biomedicine
Interferon titer and the 2',5'-oligoadenylate-synthetase activity in rat thymus lymphocytes in conditions of Omeprazol-caused hypergastrinemia
1Kompanets I. V., 1Korotkiy O. G., 1Karpovets T. P., 1Pilipenko S. V., 1Nikolska V. V., 1Ostapchenko L. I., 1Yankovsky D. S.
  1. Educational and Scientific Center "Institute of Biology",
    Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
    64/13, Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601


The aim of this work was the determination of rat thymocytes response to hypergastrinemia evoked by hypoacidity and multiprobiotic «Symbiter® acidophilic concentrated» (symbiter) treatment via the estimation of the interferon (IFN) titer and 2', 5'-oligoadenylate (OA)-synthetase activity in lymphocytes. 2', 5'-OA-synthetase is the IFN-induced enzyme. Methods. The micromethod of IFN titer determination by antiviral activity, spectrophotometrical method of 2', 5'-OA-synthetase activity determination. Results. It was shown that the IFN production by cultivated thymocytes is amplified while the 2', 5'-OA-synthetase activity decreases in these cells in conditions of hypoacidity caused by the 28-days omeprazol treatment. The treatment of animals by symbiter against a background of hypoacidity causes the augmentation of IFN production by thymocytes, but does not stimulate the 2', 5'-OA-synthetase activity. The IFN production by thymocytes in response to IFN inducers (PHA and cycloferone) in vitro is intensified comparatively to the control at hypoacidity and symbiter treatment. Conclusions. The multiprobiotic symbiter exhibits interferonogenic properties. The IFN synthesis in response to induction in vitro is intensified in comparison with healthy animals at both hypoacidity and symbiter treatment while the 2', 5'-OA-synthetase acivity in thymocytes decreases.
Keywords: interferon, 2', 5'-oligoadenylate-synthetase, thymocy- tes, omeprazol, hypergastrinemia, probiotics


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