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Biopolym. Cell. 2011; 27(6):480-498.
Fundamental biology reached a plateau – development of ideas
1Kordium V. A., 1Irodov D. M., 1Maslova O. O., 1Ruban T. A., 1Sukhorada E. M., 1Andrienko V. I., 1Shuvalova N. S., 1Likhachova L. I., 1Shpilova S. P.
  1. Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine
    150, Akademika Zabolotnoho Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680


The idea about intracellular transport of metabolic products is presented considering two constituents. The first was described in general in the previous publication. It justified the thesis that cell metabolism is localized and realized not on the fixed structures but on the vigorously and steadily moving («prowling») microvesicles. In the current paper we have shown that an addition of tetrazolium (MTT) to mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) leads to the cumulation of formazan on the surface of actively moving vesicles. This process was time-tracked and shown in dynamics. As formazan is a metabolite product, its formation on the vesicles is an experimental confirmation of the metabolic processes on these moving structures. The second constituent is presented as a hypothesis that is based on the literature data on the intracellular electrical potentials and the calculations of their possible involvement in precision transport of metabolic products.
Keywords: cell metabolism, microvesicles, mesenchymal stem cells, intracellular electrical potentials

Supplementary data


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