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Biopolym. Cell. 2009; 25(6):451-456.
Structure and Function of Biopolymers
MARs Wars: heterogeneity and clustering of DNA-binding domains in the nuclear matrix
1, 2Vassetzky Y. S., 3Ioudinkova E. S., 3Razin S. V.
  1. CNRS UMR 8126, Univ. Paris-Sud 11, Institut Gustave Roussy
    39, Camille-Desmoulins Str., 94805 Villejuif, France
  2. N. K. Koltzov Institute of Developmental Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences
    26, Vavilova Str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 119334
  3. Institute of Gene Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences
    34/5, Vavilova Str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 119334


Aim. CO326 is a chicken nuclear scaffold/matrix attachment region (MAR) associated with the nuclear matrix in several types of chicken cells. It contains a binding site for a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein, F326. We have studied its interaction with the nuclear matrix. Methods. We have used an in vitro MAR assay with isolated matrices from chicken HD3 cells. Results. We have found that an oligonucleotide binding site for the F326 inhibits binding of the CO326 to the nuclear matrix. At the same time, the binding of heterologous MARs is enhanced. Conclusions. Taken together, these data suggest that there exist several classes of MARs and MAR-binding domains and that the MAR-binding proteins may be clustered in the nuclear matrix.
Keywords: nuclear matrix, DNA-protein interactions, MAR, SAR


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