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Biopolym. Cell. 2009; 25(2):101-109.
Structure and Function of Biopolymers
Topological and power characteristics of supercoiled DNA
1Shirko A. V., 1Kamluk A. N.
  1. Belarusian State Technological University
    13a, Sverdlova Str., Minsk, Belarus, 220006


The methods of elasticity theory were used to simulate topological properties of supercoiled DNA. A mechanism of realization of topological restrictions for supercoiled DNA was established. A possibility of transition from right hand to left hand DNA in strand molecules was theoretically proved. Influence of a corner strand on topological characteristics of a molecule was investigated. The parameters of force contact interaction in branches strand were defined.
Keywords: topologic, corner strand, right helical–left helical transition, force characteristics


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