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Biopolym. Cell. 2007; 23(2):143-147.
Bioorganic Chemistry
Modification of immune SPR biosensor surface at nonylphenol analysis
1Demchenko A. V., 1Starodub M. F.
  1. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, NAS of Ukraine
    9, Leontovycha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601


The influence of the state of transducer surface of immune SPR biosensor on the sensitivity and stability of its «direct» detection of nonylphenol in solutions has been investigated. The biosensor surface was modified with polyelectrolytes, dodecanethiol, and dextran sulfate and glutaraldehyde. It was shown that the highest sensitivity (up to 10 ng/ml) and stability of the biosensor response were achieved at the surface modification with dodecanthiol and simultaneous creation of intermediate layer with protein A Sta­phylococcus aureus for the orientation of active sites of specific antibodies toward solution.
Keywords: nonylphenol, immune biosensor, polyelectrolytes, dodecanethiol, dextran sulfate, glutaraldehyde


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