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Biopolym. Cell. 2007; 23(1):3-13.
Structure and Function of Biopolymers
Visualization of DNA-T7 RNA polymerase complex by atomic force microscopy
1, 2Limanskii A. P.
  1. Mechnikov Institute of Microbiology and Immunology NAMS of Ukraine
    14, Pushkinska Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61057
  2. Laboratory of Plasma Membrane and Nuclear Signaling Graduate school of Biostudies, Kyoto University
    Yoshida-Konoecho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan 606-8501


Complexes of bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase (RNAP) with DNA template, containing promoter and terminator of T7 RNAP, at transcription elongation were visualized by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Images for both nonspecific (formed by T7 RNAP molecule with end fragments of DNA template) and specific (complexes of T7 RNAP with promoter and transcription termination area) were obtained for pairs of single molecules. The influence of transcription parameters on the complex formation is discussed.
Keywords: atomic force microscopy, AFM, transcription, T7 RNA polymerase, terminator, promoter, protein-DNA interaction.


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