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Biopolym. Cell. 2006; 22(4):290-298.
Cell Biology
Apoptosis activation in rat astrocyte cells caused by antagonists of thiamine
1Chornyy S. A., 1Parkhomenko Yu. M.
  1. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, NAS of Ukraine
    9, Leontovycha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601


The experimental results of in vitro investigation of rat astrocytes (DITNC cells) reaction to the addition of well-known thiamine (vitamin B1) antagonists into the incubation medium are represented in the work. The following antagonists of thiamine - amprolium, pyrithiamine, and oxythiamine were used. Confocal laser scanning fluorescent microscopy has revealed that 72 hours incubation of cells with oxythiamine or pyrithiamine results in cell membrane vacuolization, externalization of membrane phospholipids and translocation of cleaved caspase 3 to the nucleus. Cleavage of caspase 3 in the cells that incubated with 100 µM concentration of oxythiamine and pyrithiamine was determined by Western blot and imunofluorescence methods. These data prove that incubation of DITNC cells with oxythiamine and pyrithiamine caused the activation of apoptosis processes. At the same conditions amprolium did not influence DITNC cells significantly.
Keywords: thiamine antagonists, oxythiamine, pyrithiamine, amorolium, apoptosis


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