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Biopolym. Cell. 2006; 22(2):162-165.
Short Communications
Influence of γ-irradiation on thermal conformation transitions and hydration of fibrinogen
1Gorobchenko O. A., 1Nikolov O. T., 1Gatash S. V.
  1. Kharkiv National University
    4, Svobody Ave., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61077


The influence of γ-irradiation on conformation changes of the human fibrinogen in aqueous solution by the microwave dielectric method on the frequency ~9,2 GHz have been studied. The real ε' and imaginary ε'' parts of the complex dielectric permittivity of the native and irradiated with doses 20, 60 and 100 Gy fibrinogen solutions at the temperature range 2 — 70 °C were measured. The conformation transitions of fibrinogen were found out at 25, 33 and 63 °C. It have been determined that the effect of γ-irradiation results in the structure disordering of volume water in solution in the region of melting of the thermolabile domains of fibrinogen.
Keywords: fibrinogen, γ-irradiation, conformation transitions, hydration


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