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Biopolym. Cell. 2006; 22(2):102-108.
Structure and Function of Biopolymers
The research on properties of clots, formed out of desAA- and desAABB-fibrin with different surface structure
1Savchuk O. M., 1Chernyshov V. I., 1Volkov G. L.
  1. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, NAS of Ukraine
    9, Leontovycha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601


It has been shown that on the surface of fibrin clots, which are formed at the interface between two phases excluding interpenetration of one phase into another one, the structure is being formed (a surface layer), which differs from the clot structure. At the absence of the interface, the formation of the layer on fibrin clot is not formed. There is an assumption that the creation of this structure is connected with the disturbance of the process of lateral association of fibrillar structures in fibrin clot, which takes place at the interface. The surface layer is formed by protofibrillar structures, which are spread flat on the interface and form compact unregulated structure which can be seen on electron microscope photographs. The revealed structure peculiarities of fibrin clots, caused by their formation conditions (presence or absence of the surface layer), determine the manner of the clots interaction with the components of fibrinolytic system, which can be the reason of differences in the degree of the fibrin clots resistance in blood circulation.
Keywords: fibrinogen, fibrin clot, electron microscopy


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