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Biopolym. Cell. 2006; 22(1):75-81.
Analysis of distribution of mobile genetic elements within the human TP53 gene and its 5'-flanking region
1Pidpala O. V., 1Iatsyshyna A. P., 1Lukash L. L.
  1. Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine
    150, Akademika Zabolotnoho Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680


Computational analysis of distribution of mobile genetic elements within the human TP53 gene and its 5’-flanking region has been performed. There was no difference revealed for SINE and LINE repeats, but it has been shown that the LINE elements are preferentially present within the TP53 gene and the LINE2 elements are preferentially distributed within 5’-flanking region of the TP53 gene. Alu repeats have been found to be the most common repeats within the TP53 gene and its 5’-flanking region. LTR repeats have been absent at all and DNA transposons have been determined only within the TP53 gene. It has been revealed that mobile genetic elements within TP53 gene and its 5’-flanking region preferentially form clusters, which contain mobile genetic elements from different repeat families and subfamilies
Keywords: human TP53 gene, mobile genetic elements, Alu repeats, mosaic cluster structures


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