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Biopolym. Cell. 2006; 22(1):56-62.
Molecular Biophysics
Hydratation of erythrocyte membranes and their interaction with ultrafine silica
1Turov V. V., 1Galagan N. P., 1Grytsenko I. V., 1Chuiko A. A.
  1. Institute of Surface Chemistry, NAS of Ukraine
    17, Generala Naumova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03164


The interaction of ultrafine silica (UFS) with membrane preparations of donor erythrocytes were investigated by method of 1H NMR spectroscopy. The values of their hydratation in contact with silica, interphase energies, concentrations of weakly and strongly bound water were measured and calculated. Possible mechanisms of effect of UFS on cell hemolytic are discussed.
Keywords: NMR spectroscopy, ultrafine silica, erythrocytes, membrane, hydratation


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