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Biopolym. Cell. 2005; 21(6):515-524.
Structure and Function of Biopolymers
S-DNA is oversupercoiled macromolecule with ~2 Å rise per nucleotide pair
1, 2Limanskaya O. Yu., 1Limanskaya L. A., 1, 3Limanskii A. P.
  1. Mechnikov Institute of Microbiology and Immunology NAMS of Ukraine
    14, Pushkinska Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61057
  2. Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine, UAAS
    83, Pushkinska Str., Kharkov, Ukraine, 61023
  3. Laboratory of Plasma Membrane and Nuclear Signaling Graduate school of Biostudies, Kyoto University
    Yoshida-Konoecho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan 606-8501


The supercoiled pGEMEX DNA with length of 3993 nucleotides was immobilized on different substrates (freshly cleaved mica, standard aminomica, modified aminomica with increased and decreased aminogroups surface density comparing with standard aminomica) and studied by the atomic force microscopy. The DNA molecules with extremely high level of supercoiling were visualized on the modified aminomica with increased surface charge density. The rise per nucleotide pair was determined by measurement of a contour length of single oversupercoiled DNA molecules. The rise value per nucleotide pair varied from H=1.94 Å up to H=2.19 Å for different molecules. These spring-like compressed supercoiled DNA molecules with decreased rise in comparison with well known DNA forms were referred to the new DNA form, called S-DNA.
Keywords: supercoiled DNA, atomic force microscopy, aminomica, oversupercoiled DNA, S-DNA


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