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Biopolym. Cell. 2005; 21(4):335-345.
Cell Biology
The concept of genetic material exchange between mammalian cells
1Kordyum V. A., 1Shpilevaya S. P., 1Ruban T. O., 1Sukhorada O. M.
  1. Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine
    150, Akademika Zabolotnoho Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680


The concept presented is confirmed by both direct experiments on the genetic markers transfer and microscopic observations. The authors formulate an idea that there is a universal informational space of the organism, created due to the DNA release within the lifetime of cells without destroying their genomes (and DNA absorption, complementing the mutations) or due to the addressed transfer of genetic material by specialized cells.
Keywords: genetic information transfer, cells interaction


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