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Biopolym. Cell. 1986; 2(1):19-23.
Structure and Function of Biopolymers
Fragment K 2-3 of plasminogen molecule carries a lysine-binding site
1Novokhatny V. V., 1Matsuka Yu. V., 1Kudinov S. A.
  1. A. V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR
    Kiev, USSR


Limited pepsin digestion of plasminogen fragment K 1—3 leads to the formation of the first kringle and structure which contains the second and third kringles (fragment K 2—3). The isolated fragments are characterized according to molecular masses and amino acid composition. Fragment K 2—3 is shown to be able of binding with lysine-Sepharose, which indicates the existence of a lysine-binding site in its structure.


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