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Biopolym. Cell. 2003; 19(4):374-377.
Bioorganic Chemistry
Search for antioxidants among derivatives of S-(quinaldine-4-yl)-L-cysteine
1Brazhko A. A., 1Omelyanchik L. A., 2Fedoryak D. M., 1Belenichev I. F., 1Zavgorodny M. P.
  1. Zaporizhzhya National University
    Zhukovsky Str., 66, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine, 69600
  2. Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry, NAS of Ukraine
    1, Murmans'ka Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 02094


Toxic, antioxidant and ccrcbroprotectivc activities of several derivatives of S-(quinaldine-4-yl)-L-cysteine have been studied. It has been shown, that all investigated compounds normalize a Level of antioxidant enzymes, reduce the products of free radical oxidation and their activity exceed a known antioxidant dibunole. It has been established, that their activity substantially depends on a nature of the substituent in the position 6 of a quinoline cycle.


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