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Biopolym. Cell. 2002; 18(6):522-528.
Viruses and Cell
Physical mapping of Malacosoma neustria nuclear polyhedrosis virus genome and its modification in Antheraea pernyi cell culture
1Kikhno I. M., 1Strokovskaya L. I., 1Meleshko R. A., 2Michalic J., 1Solomko A. P.
  1. Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine
    150, Akademika Zabolotnoho Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680
  2. Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences
    5a, Pawinskiego, Warsaw, Poland, 02-106


A physical map of the M. neustria nuclear polyhedrosis virus (ManeNPV) genome was constructed, the complete order of BamHl, Kpnl and PstI restriction enzyme sites was determined, a polyhedrin gene was localized on the map. The viral DNA size was calculated to be about 139 kbp. Restriction endonuclease profiles of the DNA of ManeNPV plaques isolate propagated in A. pernyi cells demonstrated "persistent heterogeneity", submolar bands were shown to appear in a digestion pattern of DNA of the first passage virus. These bands were proved to be due to the DNA molecules presence in the non-homogeneous virus DNA pool, their chains having been shown to carry a putative break in a definite site. Such a "break site" was localized on the physical, map of ManeNPV genome.


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