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Biopolym. Cell. 2002; 18(5):377-393.
Genome variability in somatic plant cells. 7. Variability of population-genetic parameters in the culture in vitro
1Kunakh V. A.
  1. Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine
    150, Akademika Zabolotnoho Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680


The results concerning the peculiarities of cell populations maintained in vitro conditions for a long time as a novel experimentally developed biological system were reviewed. The selection forms operating in cell populations were discussed. The circadian and passage rhythm of changes in the genetic structure of the prolific component of the population was established. It was concluded that the stable rhythm of cell propagation, time-dependent pattern of division in cells with differing genomes, the dynamic stability of the genetic heterogeneity and especially the unique potential to restore the genetic structure of the initially heterogeneous population by individual cells upon cloning suggest the existence of the highly effective physiological and genetic homeostasis in the cell populations in vitro. It was speculated that a single cell was capable not only to retain, but under certain conditions, realize its potential to recover the genetic variety of the species involved and probably the plant genus as well. The features of phenotypic heterogeneity of the cell populations according to the quantitative characteristics, in particular, the level of the secondary alkaloid compounds and naphtoquinoine accumulation, and possible ways of estimating the quantitative traits heritability were also discussed. The usage of proposed statistical-genetic methods in the cell selection for evaluation of heterogeneity, variability, heritability is stated to be effective, these parameters being beneficial to optimize the ways for improvement of cell culture productivity.


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