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Biopolym. Cell. 2002; 18(2):164-170.
Molecular and Cell Biotechnologies
Investigation the influence of cultivation conditions on production of human alpha-2b interferon in Escherichia coli
1Slavchenko I. Yu.
  1. PSRS "Biotechnolog"
    150, Akademika Zabolotnogo Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680


The influence of glucose and maltose presence in a growth medium, as well as the temperature of producer cultivation on the production level of the human alpha-2b interferon (1FN) in E. coli have been studied. E. coli SG30 (pIF-16) harbouring plasmid pIF-16 bearing tandem of the artificial IFNs genes under the control of the trp promoters' tandem has been used as strain-producer of IFN. Results indicate that during E. coli SG30 (pIF-16) cells cultivation at 37 degrees C in the presence of maltose or glucose as carbone sourse in growth medium the yield of IFN was appreciably decreased in comparison with carbons – free medium. We have also demonstrated that the level of IFN production depends on the concentration of these carbons in a medium and the cultivation temperature of producer. Glucose exerts negative influence on synthesis IFN In lower concentration, than maltose. It was shown this study, that the addition of maltose to the medium resulted higher yield of cells biomass, than the addition of glucose during growth E. coli SG30 (pIF-16) both 37, and 28 degrees C.


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