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Biopolym. Cell. 2001; 17(6):526-533.
Structure and Function of Biopolymers
Chitin- and chitosancontaining complexes from mycelial fungy: receiving, properties and use
1Unrod K. I., 1Solodovnik T. V.
  1. Cherkasy State Technological University
    460, Shevchenko Blvd., Cherkassy, Ukraine, 18006


In the review main principles of receiving Mtin and its derivatives from different raw sources are considered. The basic attention is paid to the problem of extraction of chitin- and chitosancontaining complexes from mycelial fungi. The data on the chemical composition and physical-chemical properties of the initial mycelial raw material and the complexes received are given. The absorption properties of the complexes and basic trends of their use in various areas of national economy are analysed.


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