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Biopolym. Cell. 2000; 16(4):297-300.
Cell Biology
The influence of lymphocytic chalone on metabolic processes in lymphocytes under the conditions of immune response
1Garkava K. G., 1Oleynik S. O., 1Zadorina O. V., 1Michailova I. S.
  1. Bogomolets National Medical University
    Blvd. Shevchenko, 13, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601


The influence of lymphocytic chalone on the level of synthetic processes and the lypoperoxydation in lymphocytes under conditions of immune response has been investigated. It has been established that chalone probably decreased the level of synthetic processes and the Quantity of primary products POL - dien' conjugates and secondary ones – malonic dialdehyde. It has been established by in vitro experiments with dephinylpicrilhydrosil (DPPH) stable radical that the lymphocytic chalone, obtained 1 how before the experiment decreased the DPPH concentration to 50 % in 7,6 min. This indicates high antioxydative properties of lymphocytic chalone and a possibility of its use as a natural antioxydant.


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