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Biopolym. Cell. 2000; 16(2):138-144.
Viruses and Cell
Complex in vitro selection of cell lines of mangel beet resistant to a toxin of bacteriosis pathogene and low temperatures
1Gubanova N. Ya., 1Dubrovnaya O. V., 1Chugunkova T. V.
  1. Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine
    31/17, Vasylkivska, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03022


The callus strains of mangel beet resistant to a Pseudomonas syringae pv. aptata toxin have been obtained. It is shown that these strains have also crossed resistance to low temperatures. The cytogenetic peculiarities of callus cultures during prolonged cultivation on the selective medium and under the influence of low temperatures have been studied.


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