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Biopolym. Cell. 1999; 15(4):292-296.
Structure and Function of Biopolymers
Purification and properties of bee venom protease
1Protas A. F., 2Bondareva O. S., 2Muliavko N. O.
  1. Cross-industry company "Bereg"
    14, Karantinnaya Str., Odessa, Ukraine, 270014
  2. Prokopovich Institute of Apiculture UAAN
    19, Zabolotnogo Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03022


See venom contains specific protease. It consists about 0.8–15 % of total proteine-peptide fraction. The enzyme was purified with the help of benzamedine-sepharose and reverse-fase chromatography to the activity 110 U/mg. The protein is hydrophobic, its Mr is equal to 20 kDa (by gel-filtration), pHopt 4.5. Protease specifically binds to cell membrane in cooperative manner; the maximal binding ratio is 1.2. Enzyme has high substrate specifity for membrane proteins. It is concluded that protease is a specific toxic component of bee venom.


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